EL, Quest list (el-wiki.net)

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God quests

A detailed guide to the quests is available, but don't go there if you prefer to discover the quests for yourself. (In other words, "Warning: spoilers") It contains walkthroughs and a lot of information.
God quests

    Main page: Gods 

    Aluwen - Goddess of Defense
    Elandria - Goddess of Alchemy
    Glilin - God of Manufacturing
    Jayden - Goddess of Potioning
    LaForge - God of Engineering
    Mortos - God of Attack
    Selain - God of Summoning
    Unolas - God of Magic
    Zarin - Goddess of Crafting 

NPC quests

Easy quests

All links go to the forums where you will need an account to view the page. See the Main Page for requirements.
Easy quests

Anyone can do these.

    Tutorial NPC 

    Blast from the Past
    Old lady helper - Manufacturing quest
    Seridian Journey aka Wraith Quest (1k XP for skill of your choice, Engineering and Tailoring not available)
    Master and apprentice - Crafting quest
    Mixture mayhem - Potions quest
    Summoning Stuff - (Summoning exp from Captain Ios on Isla Prima)
    The Elf council - Ranging quest from Vaesura
    Underground resistance - Engineering quest from Bertan
        Can you hear me now? - follow-up Engineering quest from Bertan 
    Kyra's (IP) Bow Legged quest - ranging items rewarded
    Strajer's (PL) All oiled up - a/d and treasure finders rewarded 

Daily quests

    Daily harvesting quest (flowers) - harvest quest including PK maps.
    Daily fighting quest - The difficulty of the creatures and the reward depends on your attack and defense (a/d) levels. You can skip a mission using the Haidir pass available in shop but can get same quest.
    Daily dung harvest quest - Need at least 300 EMU to complete. Experience reward depends on your harvesting level.
    Daily mule quest - Need at least 1200 EMU to do this quest.
    Daily armor supplier quest (attack, defense exp) - includes non armor items including weapons and Point Defense.
    Daily engineering quest - Need at least level 25 in Engineering to start it. Reward is based on Engineering level, but unlike other quests it is not progressive: a level 25 engineer may be asked to provide level 50 items with minimal compensation in experience.
    Daily Temps R Us quest - reward varies. This one can only be done every 4 game day (1 RL day). Missions can be skipped, however if a mission is skipped you have to wait 8 game days (2 RL days) before you can ask for another one.
    Daily Summoning quest - Maia sends you off to get animal parts for her. Reward is based on Summoning level (summoning exp, gold coins). These may be skipped using a Haidir pass. You need to put the animal parts in your storage.
    Daily fancy clothes breaking quest - Lord Luxin sends you to break fancy clothes in Desert Pines 40's arena. Reward is based off of Attack, Defense and Tailoring levels (attack, defense, tailoring exp and gold coins). 

Advanced quests

Most of these quests require some levels and/or a fair amount of gold coins (gc) before being able to finish them.

    A potters debt (potion exp)
    Armory quest (attack, defense exp)
    A sword too far (Sword present) (summoning exp)
    Blacksmith's Dvarium (Costly. manufacturing exp)
    Clogged Sewers - Lord Luxin's sewers (attack, defense, engineering exp))
    Dagger training (attack exp) - Does not show up in Quest log
    Escaped monsters - Wimmip's quest (attack, defense, ranging, summoning exp)
    Eye in the sky - leather quest
        Can buy 75 leather for 350 gc from Kelcha 
    Finding irilium - Yinta's harvesting quest (harvesting exp)
    Find my perfume (harvesting exp) Needs specific harvesting place AND time)
    Kill Bob! (engineering exp)
        Highway to Heaven - Part 2, incomplete and NPC keeps scythe you donate to him 
    Kill them all! (attack, defense exp)
        Vanquisher Perk 
    Kill them all reloaded! - find creatures anywhere in the game
    Lost books - Shayna's quest for lost books (engineering, magic, attack, defense exp)
    Annual pie eating contest (aka: Making Pie) (magic, potion exp) - Does not show up in Quest log
    Master of the rings - Test Magic Rings (magic, attack, defense exp)
    Oranges (costly)
        Big Belly Perk 
    Osold's scroll (attack, defense, ranging exp)
    Pain in the axe - Henk PV quest (harvesting, attack exp)
    Rebuild church quest (Costly. alchemy, magic, tailoring, engineering exp)
    Summoning great snakes (summoning exp)
    The long drought Wine quest
        Can buy 20 wine for 15 gc from Vesine 
    The sleeping beauty - Tankel's repair (and break) services
    The wizard passage - Orchan / Dra-Syn translation (magic, alchemy, crafting, manufacturing exp)
        Dra-Syn Access 
    Treasure of Nordcarn (summoning exp)
    Vermin extermination quest (attack, defense exp) 

Break quests

These require breaking perfectly working armor and weapons for various NPCs who want to test armor or weapons.

    Buni's (NC) break quest - break low level armor for an award (attack / defence exp)
    Alone I Break (attack, defense, manufacturing exp)
        Never gonna miss You Perk 
    Alone I Break II "Together We Break" (attack, defense, must do "Alone I Break" first)
        Deadly Accuracy Perk 
    Broken Armors - Vixen's armor breaking quest (attack, defense exp)
        Armor Master Perk 
    More Broken Armors - Vixen's second armor breaking quest (attack, defense exp, must do "Broken Armors" first)
        Armor Master Pro Perk 

Tutorial mixing quests

These quests require you to make many items in increasing difficulty in a school for a particular skill with a large experience bonus at completion. It requires high levels of nexus to complete. Many rare and expensive items are required.

    Harvesting tutorial
    Alchemy tutorial
    Manufacturing tutorial (Child of Stars Perk)
    Potioning tutorial
    Crafting tutorial
    Tailoring tutorial
    Engineering tutorial 

Global Quest

This is a special quest that requires teamwork to complete. The reward is also not individual, but designed as a long-lasting good special day. See the Global Quest page for more detailed description.